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Opticks isaac newton book Page 30-31

 [ 30 ]

ſhould thence become oblong: thoſe Rays and their ſeveral parts tending towards the ſeveral Points of the Image P Tought to be again di- lated and ſpread fideways by the tranſverſe Refraction of the fecond Priſm, ſo as to com- poſe a four ſquare Image, ſuch as is repreſent- ed at #7.

isaac newton book

 For the better underſtanding of which, let the Image P T be diſtinguiſhed into five e- qual parts PQK, KQRL, LRSM, MSVN, NVT. And by the fame irregularity that the orbicular Light Y is by the Refraction of the firſt Priſm dilated and drawn out into a long Image PT, the Light PQK which takes up a ſpace of the ſame length and breadth with the Light Y ought to be by the Refraction of the fecond Priſm dilated and drawn out into the long Image 7 gk p, and the Light KQRL in- to the long Image kqrl, and the Lights LRSM, MSVN, NVT, into ſo many other long I- mages Ir sm, m sun, n v t]; and all theſe long Images would compoſe the four ſquare Image 77. Thus it ought to be were every Ray dila- ted by Refraction, and ſpread into a triangular Superficies of Rays diverging from the Point of Refraction. For the ſecond Refraction would ſpread the Rays one way as much as the firſt doth another, and ſo dilate the Image in breadth as much as the firſt doth in length. And the ſame thing ought to happen, were fome Rays caſually refracted more than others. But the Event is otherwiſe. The Image PT was not made broader by the Refraction of the ſecond Priſm, but only became oblique, as 'tis repreſented at pt, its upper end P being by



[ 31 ]

the Refraction tranſlated to a larger larger

than its lower finish T. thus then the sunshine that

went towards the higher finish P of the Image,

was ( at equal Incidences) additional refracted in

the ſecond Priſm than the sunshine that tended

towards the lower finish T, that's the blue and

violet, than the red and yellow; and so

was additional refrangible. The ſame lightweight was by

the Refraction of the firſt Priſm tranſlated far-

ther from the place Y to that it tended before Refraction; and so fuffered in addition within the within the as within the within the larger Refra- Etion than the reſt of the sunshine, and by con- ſequence was additional refrangible than the reſt, even before its incidence on the firſt Priſm. generally I placed a 3rd a 3rd a 3rd, and ſometimes alſo a fourth when the third, by all that the Image may be usually refracted fideways: however the Rays that were additional refracted than all told within the within the within the additional refracted all told the reſt, which with none Dilatation of the Image fideways: and so and so for his or her for his or her a larger Refraction square measure defervedly purported additional refrangible. however that the which means of this Experiment could additional clearly seem, it's to be conſidered that the Rays that square measure equally refrangible do discover a circle anſwering to the Sun's Diſque. For this was evidenced within the third Experiment. By a Circle I underſtand not here an ideal geo- metrical Circle, however any orbicular Figure whoſe length is capable its breadth, and which, on ſenſe, could could circular. Let so noble metal




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 [ 32 ] [in Fig. 15.) repreſent the Circle that all the Opticks book  moſt refrangible Rays propagated from the whole Diſque of the Sun, would illuminate and paint upon the oppoſite Wall if they were a- lone; EL the Circle that all the leaſt refran- gible Rays would in like manner illuminate and paint if they were alone; BH, CJ,DK, the Circles that that several intermediate ſorts of Rays would fuccefſively paint upon the Wall, if they were fingly propagated from the Sun in ſucceſſive order, the reſt being forever in- tercepted; and conceive that there square measure alternative intermediate Circles while not range, that countless alternative intermediate forts of Rays would ſucceſſively paint upon the Wall if the Sun ſhould ſucceſſively emit each each apart. And ſeeing the Sun emits all theſe forts directly, they muſt all at once illuminate and paint in- countable equal Circles, of all that, being in line with their degrees of Refrangibility placed so as during a continual Series, that

Page 8-9 isaac newton book

 [ 8 ] a lot of when the celebrity manner, if ACBD (in Fig. three ] reprefent a Glafs ſpherically gibbous on each each (uſually referred to as a Lens, ſuch as could be a could be a, or Spectacle glaſs, or AN Object glaſs of a Teleſcope) and or not it's needed to understand however lightweight falling upon it from any lucid purpose Q ſhall be refracted, let Q M repreſent a Ray falling upon any purpose M of its firſt ſpherical Surface ACB, and by building a Perpendicular to the Glaſs at the purpose M, notice the firſt re- fracted Ray M N by the Proportion of the Sines seventeen to eleven. Let that Ray in going out of the Glaſs be incident upon N, and so notice the ſecond refracted Ray weight unit by the Proporti- on of the Sines eleven to seventeen. And when the ſame manner might the Refraction be found once the Lens is gibbous on one ſide and Plane or Con- cave on the opposite, or bowl-shaped on each each. A X. VI. Homogeneal Rays that ensue feveral Points of any Object, and fall sh

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