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isaac newton book Page 28-29

 [ 28 ]

the middle elements blue inexperienced and yellow in or-

der. The ſame issue happen'd once I remo-

ved the Priſm out of the Sun's light-weight, and look-

ed through it upon the opening the opening the

Light of the Clouds on the far side it. And nonetheless if the

Refraction were done often in keeping with

one bound Proportion of the Sines of Inci-

dence and Refraction as is smuttily smuttily,

the refracted Image got to have appeared


isaac newton book

 So then, by theſe 2 Experiments it seems that in equal Incidences there's a confiderable difference of Refractions. however wherefrom this in- equality ariſes, whether or not or not it's or not it's of the incident Rays ar refracted additional et al. lefs, conſtantly, or unintentionally, or that one and also the fame Ray is by Refraction diſturbed, ſhatter'd, dilated, and because it because it because it into several oblique Rays, as Grimaldo fuppoſes, doesn't nonetheless seem by theſe Experiments, however can seem by thoſe that follow. Exper. 5. Conſidering so, that if within the third Experiment the Image of the Sun fhould be drawn out into associate degree rectangular type, ei- ther by a Dilatation of each Ray, or by any o- ther caſual difference of the Refractions, the celebrity rectangular Image would by a ſecond Refra- etion created fideways be drawn out the maximum amount broad by variety Dilatation of the Rays, or o. ther caſual difference of the Refractions fide- ways that, i attempted what would be the results the results the results Refraction. For this finish I ordered all things as within the third Experiment, so placed a ſecond Priſm instantly once the


[ 29 ]

firſt in a very in a very to that, that it would once more

refract the beam of the Sun's light-weight that came to that through the firſt Priſm. within the within the this beam was refracted upwards, and within the within the. and that i found that by the Re- fraction of the ſecond Priſm the breadth of the Image wasn't increaſed, however its fuperior half that within the within the fuffered the bigger Refraction and appeared violet and blue, did once more within the within the within the bigger Re- fraction than its inferior half, that appeared red and yellow, and this with none Dilatation of the Image broad. Illuſtration. Let S [in Fig. 14.] repreſent the Sun, F the outlet within the Window, alphabet the firſt Priſm, DH the ſecond Prifm, Y the spherical Image of the Sun created by an on the spot beam of sunshine once the Priſms ar got rid of, Pt the rectangular Image of the Sun created by that beam paſſing through the firſt Priſm alone once the fecond Priſm is got rid of, and Pt the Image created by the croſs Refractions of each each along. currently if the Rays that tend to- wards the feveral Points of the spherical Image Y were expanded and ſpread by the Refraction of the firſt Priſm, ſo that they ſhould not any lon- ger go into go into go into Points, however that each Ray being ſplit, ſhattered, and adjusted from a Linear Ray to a Superficies of Rays di- verging from the purpose of Refraction, and ly. ing within the Plane of the Angles of Incidence and Refraction, they ſhould go into go into go into several Lines reaching almoſt from one finish of the Image Pt to the opposite, and if that Image



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