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Max Planck Einstein Quotes

 Max Planck/Quotes

We have no right to assume that any physical laws exist, or if they need existed up heretofore, that they'll still exist in a very similar manner within the future.

Max Planck

Whence return I and whither go I? that's the good unfathomable question, an equivalent for each one among North American country. Science has no answer to that.

Scientific discovery and knowledge domain are achieved solely by people who have gone in pursuit of it with none sensible purpose any seeable.

Science cannot solve the final word mystery of nature. which is as a result of, within the last analysis, we tend to ourselves square measure an area of the mystery that we tend to are attempting to resolve.

An experiment could also be an issue that science poses to Nature, and a live is that the recording of Nature's answer.

Anybody United Nations agency has been seriously engaged in scientific work of any kind realizes that over the doorway to the gates of the temple of science ar written the words: 'Ye should have religion.

All matter originates and exists solely by virtue of a force... we have a tendency to should assume behind this force the existence of a acutely aware and intelligent Mind. This Mind is that the matrix of all matter.

I regard consciousness as elementary. I regard matter as spinoff from consciousness. we have a tendency to cannot dawdle consciousness. Everything that we have a tendency to name, everything that we have a tendency to take to be existing, postulates consciousness.

Science enhances the ethical worth of life, as a result of it furthers a love of truth and reverence-love of truth displaying itself within the constant endeavor to gain a additional precise information of the planet of mind and matter around United States of America, and reverence, as a result of each advance in information brings United States of America face to face with the mystery of our own being.

As a person United Nations agency has devoted his whole life to the foremost clear headed science, to the study of matter, I will tell you as a results of my analysis concerning atoms this much: there's notwithstanding in and of itself. All matter originates associate degreed exists solely by virtue of a force that brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute system of the atom along. we have a tendency to should assume behind this force the existence of a acutely aware and intelligent mind. This mind is that the matrix of all matter.

There will ne'er be any real opposition between faith and science; for the one is that the complement of the opposite. each serious and reflective person realizes, I think, that the non secular component in his nature should be recognized and cultivated if all the powers of the human soul ar to act along in excellent balance and harmony. And so it had been not by chance that the best thinkers of all ages were deeply non secular souls

New scientific concepts ne'er spring from a communal body, but organized, however rather from the top of associate degree one by one galvanized scientist United Nations agency struggles along with his issues in lonely thought and unites all his thought on one single purpose that is his whole world for the instant.


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